Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Victorious Living Church has emphasized a strong global missions emphasis and strategy since our inception in 1996. Bishop Ed Akers has fostered lasting relationships with ministries across the globe. Through the generosity and support of the members of VLC Bishop Ed has traveled many times to several countries conducting crusades, pastors and leaders conferences, medical outreaches, as well as humanitarian aid. To date we can report that over 25,000 people have made a decision for Christ, VLC has planted over 20 churches globally, supported orphans and needy children, constructed church buildings and ministry houses, provided for emergency relief in times of natural disasters. Some of the countries VLC has worked in are, the Philippines, Nigeria, Romania, Pakistan, Mexico, Canada, Argentina, India, as well as on Navajo reservations in Southwestern United States. In 2021 Bishop Ed and Pastor Tammie launched Victorious Living International under the umbrella of Victorious Living Christian Center to further expand upon the relationships we have across the world, as well as explore new opportunities.
You can learn more, get current updates and even partner with Bishop Ed and VLI by going to
You can learn more, get current updates and even partner with Bishop Ed and VLI by going to

Missons Network

Venus Faisal and her husband
Global Partner
Pakistan. This is Venus Faisal and her husband. She is the interpreter for many remote crusades to Pakistan.

Gerson and Joy Deita
Global Partner
Philippines. Gerson and Joy Deita with their children. Their ministry to children as well as to remote villages, has been vital to the outreach in Philippines.

Rufus and Deedre Whynot
Global Partner
Romania. Rufus and Deedre Whynot of Yielded Vessels have ministered in Romania for many years, and in other nations as well.

Eddie Deita and his late wife, Gloria
Global Partner
Philippines. Eddie Deita and his late wife, Gloria, parents to Gerson, have been friends and partners for many years with Victorious Living Church and Bishop Akers.

Bishop Randy Penoliad
Global Partner
Philippines. Bishop Randy Penoliad is a new partner in the Philippines. VLI recently held a remote crusade where many salvations and healings were received. VLI provided transportation, food, and the tech equipment that will continue to be used by Bishop Penoliad.

Pastors John and Rachael Javed
Global Partner
Pakistan. Pastors John and Rachael Javed minister in Pakistan in preaching and healing ministry.

Raul and Darleta Ucab
Global Partner
Philippines. Raul and Darleta Ucab in the Philippines, have been friends for many years to Bishop Akers and Victorious Living Church.

Pastor Casmir Ihegworo
Global Partner
Nigeria. Pastor Casmir Ihegworo is the founder of International Christian Community Hospital International, West African Center for Christian Missions, and a theological college in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.